• Apr 11 Wed 2012 23:43
  • 戀愛

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從前,人跟龍是生活在同一個世界的,但是後來,人選擇了大地跟海洋,留在東方的大地;龍則選擇了風和火,遷居西域。 有一天,一直居住在西域的龍突然出現在東方的大地,隨之而來發生的,就是各地農作物以及家畜的枯壞病死。
世界的均衡開始崩壞。大賢人(地海)為了要找出原因,展開了旅程。途中遇到了一位王子 - 亞倫,一位捨棄了自己國家的王子。王子的心中一直感受到有一股黑暗的力量在操控他,而他也一直被一個不知名的黑影追逐著。兩人到了首都後,發現整個城市隱藏著一股墮落且不真實的氣氛。 首都裡,到處可以看到人口販賣或是毒品販賣,所有在市場上販賣的貨品都是一些使人墮落惑是禁賣的商品。到底為什麼世界會失去平衡?又人心為什麼會墮落到這種地步?地海和亞倫必須要將答案找出來,並與之戰鬥!感想


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故事描述很久以前,有個摩托車特技巨星強尼布雷茲(凱吉拉斯凱吉 飾)為了保護摯愛的父親與青梅竹馬羅珊(伊娃曼德絲 飾),與惡魔進行了一場交易。而現在,惡魔前來取回屬於它的東西…白天,強尼是個強悍的特技騎士,而到了晚上他的身體則被惡魔佔據,化身惡靈戰警,一個獵捕惡鬼的賞金獵人。被迫為惡魔執行任務的強尼,決定面對自己的命運,並且運用這個詛咒與能力來捍衛真理。感想


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November 12th, 2007
A U.S. jumpmaster conducts an inspection of an Egyptian paratrooper before the Bright Star Friendship Jump, Nov. 11, on Koum Asheem drop zone in Egypt. The friendship jump and wing exchange were part of Bright Star, a two-week biennial training exercise involving military personnel from 13 nations.
Paratroopers from five nations descend on to Koum Asheem drop zone in Egypt Nov. 11. More than 200 paratroopers from the United States, Egypt, Kuwait, Germany and Yemen participated in the friendship jump and airborne wing exchange as part of Bright Star, a two-week biennial training exercise involving military personnel from 13 nations.
Col. Thomas Tate, the paratrooper commander for the United States presents a commemorative airborne plaque to Maj. Ahmed Omer, the Egyptian commander for the friendship jump during a wing exchange at Koum Osheem drop zone Nov. 11 in Egypt. The friendship jump was part of Bright Star, a two-week biennial training exercise involving military personnel from 13 nations.


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September 12th, 2006
In the picture released by EUCOM, SSG Jonathan Zapien, right, of the 3rd Special Forces Group at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, receives the German "Ehrenmedaille" (Honor Medal) from German Chief of Staff, General Wolfgang Schneiderhan, in a ceremony at the German Ministry of Defense in Berlin Tuesday, Sept 12, 2006. Zapien was deployed to Afghanistan with the German Special Forces Command from June to October 2005 as a liason between the German unit and the U.S. contingent. The award is the highest honor the German army can give to a foreign soldier of SSG Zapien's rank. Among other task performed during the deployment, Zapien played a key part in saving the life of a German soldier by calling in ground and air medical support. (AP Photo/EUCOM, John Tomassi)
BÖBLINGEN, Germany — Army Command Sgt. Major William J. Gainey, right, the first Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, talks with soldiers from the 1st Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) on a Panzer Kaserne range here Aug. 29, 2006. Gainey, who is visiting U.S. European Command Aug. 28-31, 2006, participated with the troops in a military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) demonstration during his visit. (Department of Defense photo by Adam Gramarossa, Stuttgart Multimedia)
BÖBLINGEN, Germany — Army Command Sgt. Major William J. Gainey, right, talks with soldiers from the 1st Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) on a Panzer Kaserne range here Aug. 29, 2006, after participating with the troops in a military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) demonstration. Gainey, the first Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is visiting U.S. European Command Aug. 28-31, 2006. (Department of Defense photo by Adam Gramarossa, Stuttgart Multimedia)


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September 13th, 2006
Argentina's army and air force officials inspect the debris of a military jet Grumman OV-1 Mohawk that crashed Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2006 in a field northwest of Buenos Aires, killing both crewmen. Authorities said Air Force investigators were probing the crash, and witnesses told television broadcasters they saw the plane flying very low before it turned over and crashed. (AP Photo/Jorge Casal,Telam)
Argentina's army and air force officials inspect the debris of a military jet Grumman OV-1 Mohawk that crashed Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2006 in a field northwest of Buenos Aires, killing both crewmen. Authorities said Air Force investigators were probing the crash, and witnesses told television broadcasters they saw the plane flying very low before it turned over and crashed. (AP Photo/Martin Zabala, Diario y Noticias)
Navy File Photo of Navy SEAL (Sea, Air, Land) Gunner’s Mate Second Class Danny P. Dietz, 25, from Aurora, Colo., killed by enemy forces during a reconnaissance mission June 28, 2005. Secretary of the Navy Donald Winter will posthumously award the Navy Cross to Petty Officer Dietz during a ceremony at the U.S. Navy Memorial, Washington, D.C. Sept. 13. Dietz was part of a four-man team tasked with finding a key Taliban leader in the mountainous terrain near Asadabad, Afghanistan, when they came under fire from a much larger enemy force with superior tactical position. Mortally wounded, Dietz held his position, drawing fire so one of his teammates could escape. The Navy Cross is second in precedence only to the Medal of Honor, and is presented to Naval Forces in honor of extreme gallantry and life-risking action in the face of combat with an armed enemy force. U.S. Navy photo
Navy File Photo of Navy SEAL (Sea, Air, Land) Sonar Technician Second Class Matthew G. Axelson, 29, from Cupertino, Calif., killed by enemy forces during a reconnaissance mission June 28, 2005. Secretary of the Navy Donald Winter will posthumously award the Navy Cross to Petty Officer Axelson during a ceremony at the U.S. Navy Memorial, Washington, D.C. Sept. 13. Axelson was part of a four-man team tasked with finding a key Taliban leader in the mountainous terrain near Asadabad, Afghanistan, when they came under fire from a much larger enemy force with superior tactical position. Mortally wounded, Axelson held his position, drawing fire so one of his teammates could escape. The Navy Cross is second in precedence only to the Medal of Honor, and is presented to Naval Forces in honor of extreme gallantry and life-risking action in the face of combat with an armed enemy force. U.S. Navy photo


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[靈異]神秘的兵營裡的禁閉室~~!! 『轉』~!!
代留下的產物,在所有建築物中我感覺比較特別的就是那獨立在側門附近的禁閉室。 據老衲的班長說,在十幾年前(現在是二十幾年前了!)本單位有兩位逃兵,被逮回 來後,就暫時關在禁閉內聽候秋決, 因為這兩位大哥是攜械逃亡,在那個年代裡,攜械逃亡可是唯一死刑 大概是依據什麼動員戡亂時期什麼陸海空軍刑法吧!), 在定完罪後,就拖到本單位的靶場解決了。 可是這兩人的裝備,如盥洗用具等卻留在床上(其實也不能說是床,應該是通鋪才對)沒人收拾,整整齊齊的並列著。 一天,禁閉室來了一位新房客,我們暫且叫他”豪哥”吧!豪哥進到狹小的禁閉室內,當然先選一個風水好的地方, 左看右看只有那先前被斃了的大哥們,那位置最好,二話不說,就把那放置整齊的兩套裝備,移到旁邊去 當天晚上,(PS.老衲請各位看倌先去上廁所,不知道您去沒有?因為好戲要上場了!)豪哥被好好”迎新”了一番, 拖著酸痛的身體爬回床上,就在半夢半醒之間,聽到有兩個人走到身邊,豪哥心想:「不妙!難不成還要加頓『消夜』」, 只聽 見那兩人說道:「這痞子膽真大!老子的東西也敢動?兄弟,給他一點顏色瞧瞧!」 豪哥一聽,連忙起身想向兩位對不起,心想:「奇怪!早上怎麼沒看到室友呢?」,想著想著抬頭一看…哇! 在昏黃的燈下站著兩位面容慘綠的男人,胸前幾個彈孔還泊泊流著鮮血,兩位仁兄伸出那滴著黑紅色血液的雙手,一步步朝豪哥逼近 此時門外的衛兵聽到一陣陣如殺豬般的哀號由禁閉室內傳出…… 那門外衛兵聽到豪哥那一陣陣如殺豬般的哀嚎,不禁怒氣大升,推開門大聲喝道: 你在鬼叫什麼?再吵就請你吃一頓粗飽」,可憐的豪哥被厲鬼掐的死去活來,好不容易看到有救星來, 連忙說道 大仔救我!有兩個鬼在這房裡!」,衛兵環顧四週,連個鬼影子也沒瞧見,以為豪哥是被剛才的「迎新晚會」操壞了 也就不理豪哥把門關上。 說也奇怪,自從衛兵進來那一刻,兩位鬼兄就暫時消失了,不過豪哥可睜大眼睛直到天亮,一早,班長看到豪哥身上傷痕累累 心想:「我昨晚下手沒這麼重啊!怎麼會傷成這樣!」。 大概是班長心虛吧!豪哥在接下去的幾天日子?過得比連上還舒服,當然,豪哥在鬼大哥來訪的第二天,就趕緊把那兩套裝備歸還定位, 不但如此,還許願若是兩位鬼兄弟不找麻煩,將來出去了一定多準備一些祭品來答謝,就這樣豪哥過了幾天的太平日子。 直到四天後…。咳咳咳......我喝一下汽水....... 四天後禁閉室又來一位新房客,我們暫且叫他”蛇哥”吧!這蛇哥為人兇狠,是混黑社會的,他一進房就瞧豪哥不順眼, 將自己裝備放下的同時,也把那鬼兄弟的兩套裝備踢到一旁,口中咒罵的說道:「@#X!老子就喜歡這塊 ,其它的人給我滾開!」豪哥一看,這還得了!驚呼:「不可以這樣!」,蛇哥早就看豪哥不順眼了,正好借 此機會想教訓一下豪哥,蛇哥怒道:「怎麼!不爽是嗎?晚上你就該死了!」,心想晚點名後就叫豪哥起床「放尿」。 補充.......尿尿..就是叫起來打...... 是夜,蛇哥照往例被班長們招待一頓「迎新晚會」,蛇哥回到房裡滿腔的怒火想 洩在豪哥的身上,當蛇哥捉住可憐的豪哥, 鐵拳將要揮下時,豪哥看到蛇哥背後出 現兩個鬼影,驚叫道:〞天啊!他們又來了!〞…… 話說,蛇哥一回頭,哇@#&,兩位鬼大哥說道:「你是不是活膩了?連老子的東西也敢踢?還想叫人起來『放尿』, 好吧!讓老子教你怎樣修理人」。 鬼大哥說完後,臉色一變,本來是慘綠的臉孔,現在變成腐爛生蛆的爛骷髏,咚~~~ 一聲掉在蛇哥的懷裡,森森的白牙露出詭異的笑容,那枯槁的雙手深陷在蛇哥壯碩的肌肉裡,蛇哥那還忍受的住, 一陣腥臭難聞的液體和固體順著褲襠滑出,哀號的聲音比前幾豪哥還要淒慘!挫賽啊 這時豪哥縮瑟在一旁,口中唸唸有詞,顫抖的說道:「不關我的事!不關我的事!不要找我!」, 門外的衛兵聽到裡面又在殺豬了,以為豪哥被蛇哥欺負,怕鬧出人命於是衝進房來,還不及口大罵就看大這驚心動魄的場面 還好鬼大哥手下留情,看見衛兵來了就主動消失,否則蛇哥今晚可難過了! 隔天早上,豪哥驚魂未定的將事情始末告訴大家,並把那兩套裝備放回原位,並警家告大家千萬別去動它, 大家知道後誰也不敢再去動那玩意兒,直到我出中心時那兩套裝備還是整齊的排放在必禁閉室內 而大尾的蛇哥卻變成了傻哥了!

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白 羊 座 : 覺 得 困 擾 就 拼 命 地 搔 頭 。
金 牛 座 : 談 得 很 起 勁 時 , 會 以 手 捏 鼻 頭 。
雙 子 座 : 覺 得 很 無 聊 就 會 抖 起 腳 來 。
巨 蟹 座 : 想 睡 覺 時 就 會 開 始 挖 鼻 孔 。
獅 子 座 : 經 過 鏡 子 前 面 時 , 會 不 經 意 地 聳 聳 肩 。
處 女 座 : 累 了 就 會 拼 命 地 眨 眼 睛 。
天 秤 座 : 在 偷 看 某 件 事 時 , 會 不 自 覺 地 插 腰 。
天 蠍 座 : 會 去 聞 剛 端 出 來 的 食 物 。
射 手 座 : 有 時 腳 會 不 知 不 覺 地 搖 晃 起 來 。
摩 羯 座 : 在 想 事 情 時 會 不 自 主 地 咬 指 甲 。
水 瓶 座 : 認 真 思 考 時 , 會 拉 拉 自 己 的 耳 垂 。
雙 魚 座 : 害 羞 的 時 候 , 會 手 足 無 措 。

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不管是國際大環境不好,或是阿扁的爛攤子、新政策的陣痛期哪種原因,反正現在大家都一致認為生活不好過(當然這不代表未來會不好,我好客觀喔!)。         媒體每天都在散播這些資訊,民眾們看久了也都朗朗上口,最常被大家掛在嘴邊的有以下名詞:           1.通貨膨脹       2.消費者信心指數       3.擴大內需       4.次級房貸       5.浮動機制       6.鬆綁產業登陸限制       7.兩岸商機       8.全球糧食短缺       9.國安基金       10.產業轉型           實在太多了,一時只想到這些。說真的,我相信大部分的人也不知道這些名詞是什麼,不然就是只知道大意;我念經濟的,但有些名詞自己講出來都會 心虛。不過反正講出來也不會有人糾正,為什麼呢?因為聽的人也不是很懂, 但是聽的人為了裝懂,自然也不會去吐嘈說的人。   因此,大概會有以下對話出現:     場景:廟口鹹酥雞攤位   客人:伯仔!一份鹹酥雞...再來一條糯米腸好了。


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